Johnny's Jr. in Thailand 19 - 24 Mar 2002



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Johnny's Jr. has come to Thailand (Pattaya) getting involve with Pattaya Music Festival They are the guests of project "Be my Guest" by The Thailand government and Grammy Entertainment invited them to perform at Pattaya Music Festival Concert on 22-23 Mar 2002

All Johnny's Junior that came were...

Tsubasa Imai

Jimmy Mackey

Rafai Eddy

Naoki Shimada

Yukito Hagiwara

Kamenashi Kazuya

Akanishi Jin

Taguchi Junnosuke

Tanaka Koki

Ueda Tatsuya


Hironori Kusano

Yudai Tatsumi

Kawai Fumito

Tsukada Ryouichi

Kouichi Gaseki


Kobayashi Hirokazu

Totally 17 .

19 Mar 2002
At time about 23.30 pm - 1.00 am KATTUN, M.A.D, A.B.C, J-Support arrived Thailand at Donmueng Airport had interviewed Many of fans in Thailand went to recieve them The Thailnd Artist of Grammy Entertainment "Mos Patiparn" was there too after that Johnny's Jr. get on a van and reached to Pattaya at Hard Rock Hotel

20 Mar 2002
At time about16.00 pm Tsubasa, Jimmy and Eddy arrived Thailand at Donmueng Airport The Thailnd Artist of Grammy Entertainment "Nicole Terio" was there to recieve them with many fans of Johnny's Jr. Quite they the van to Tha Grammy had interviewed then reached to Pattaya at Hard Rock Hotel

21 Mar 2002
All Johnn's Jr. went to "Koh Lan"

22 Mar 2002
Went to Nongnuch Garden
and at 20.30 pm perform the concert
songs are
Openning Rap (It's Johnny's junior showtime)
Take me Higher
Be cool - Shelter
Livin lavida loca
Ai nanda

23 Mar 2002
Kattun went to Suansua and at 20.30 pm perform the concert again

ΗΡΉ·Υθ 24 ΑΥ.€.
Back to Japan at Donmueng Airport 20.30 pm

My detail of Johnny's Jr. in thailand is not much I'm sorry with that but if you know more or want to tell about it please leave it at Guestbook Thank you
